The creators of Fantasy Kingdoms, like those of Farmville, have been exceedingly busy this holiday season and, after an incredible array of Christmas items, have released some special items for the New Year.
First and foremost is the new Sands of Time Artifact, available in the Marketplace for 14 Kingdoms Cash. You can purchase 22 Kingdoms Cash for $5.00, if you have not earned it in the course of ordinary gameplay or, having earned it, spent it on other bewitching items.
Although all Crops and Artifacts have different stages of 'growth', the Sands of Time Artifact is unique in that it progresses through all four Seasons in the space of twelve hours. It is a particularly good investment as it delivers 1600 Mana every 12 Hours and rewards the buyer with 10 XP. If you study the list of Artifacts in the Walkthrough, you will see that the Sands of Time is one of the best investments at this point in time.
A new Spell is available as well to ring in the New Year with a display of Fireworks:
Starburst Fireworks
Two Vials of Stardust and Two Phoenix Fire will give your friends a sight to admire. Unite them with a Magic Coin you hold dear, and ring in the majesty of the New Year! You have until January 4th to complete this Spell.
The Phoenix Fire and the Vial of Stardust are available as Free Gifts from friends and Neighbours. The Magic Coin can be obtained as a Daily Fortune randomly from Harmony or purchased in the Marketplace for 1 KC. The Starburst Fireworks will be placed in your Gift Box. First choose the 'Use' Option to place it somewhere on your land and then 'Activate' to see the special effects. It is not a 'single use' item but will continue to display bursts of light until you deactivate it!
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